Why use ecological toothbrushes?
Organic toothbrushes are here to stay. They will not be a passing fad just as nothing that involves taking care of our environment using zero waste products will be. Today I am going to explain to you why you should use ecological toothbrushes instead of conventional toothbrushes.
Problems with conventional toothbrushes
Conventional toothbrushes are made of plastic, from the handle to the bristles. In Spain alone, about 160 million toothbrushes are manufactured every year, which represents about 2,600 kilos of plastic , much of which will end up in the seas and oceans.
Plastic, although it could be recycled, is so cheap to produce that it is cheaper to make a new brush than to recycle it. In practice, each plastic toothbrush is thrown away and ends up in the oceans, which represents serious environmental damage. So much so, that according to official sources, 1% of all the garbage that appears in our oceans corresponds to plastic toothbrushes . And if I tell you that plastic is a material that takes approximately 400 years to degrade, how do you see it?
Ecological toothbrushes
Now you will understand that the most logical and sustainable option is to use ecological toothbrushes. These are made with sustainable materials such as wood or bamboo . Wood is a compostable material that returns to Nature in the form of fertilizer. And if it is not recycled as it should, it can end up thrown away like other brushes but with the difference that it is quickly biodegradable, an option known as zero waste.
Despite this first advantage, you will have heard comments from people who do not like ecological brushes. This is basically due to the characteristics of the bristles used in its manufacture.
Types of ecological toothbrushes
If you are looking for a 100% ecological brush, then the most logical thing is that you opt for brushes with natural bristles . These are nothing more than hairs from pigs or wild boars. Main drawback of this type of bristles: that they are very hard and are not homogeneous, which can cause irritation to the gums. In my opinion, it is one thing to not want to degrade the environment, and another to look for a health problem. In addition, it is not a vegan option since materials of animal origin are involved.
As an alternative to natural bristles, there are BIO nylon bristles free of BPA (Bisphenol A) . BPA is a chemical that has been used industrially in the manufacture of plastics and resins. It is present in polycarbonate plastic and in cans.
Exposure to BPA is a concern because of potential adverse effects on children's brain health and behavior. It also suggests a relationship between BPA and increased blood pressure.
In our online store you will find bamboo and beech wood brushes with BIO nylon bristles.
When to change the ecological toothbrush
The half-life of an organic toothbrush does not differ much from conventional toothbrushes. It is recommended to change your ecological brush every 2 or 3 months . Everything will depend a little on the condition of the bristles. If your brushing is very vigorous, the bristles will deform more and if it is softer it will last a little longer.
How to properly recycle an ecological toothbrush
As I'm telling you, an ecological toothbrush is made up of several components . On the one hand we have the wooden handle, recyclable in the compostable or organic container. And on the other hand we have the bristles that are almost always made of Nylon and that must go to the plastic container.
Depending on how strict you are, you can dedicate yourself to separating the bristles from the brush with the help of pliers and putting them in the yellow plastic container. You can also break the handle and put the entire head along with the bristles in the gray container, the general waste bin.
Either option is always more recyclable and less harmful than the conventional toothbrush.
Benefits of using an ecological toothbrush
Finally, as a summary I detail the main advantages of switching to organic toothbrushes.
- They are biodegradable and reduce environmental pollution, making them a more than interesting zero waste option.
- Sustainable materials such as bamboo or beech wood from sustainable forests are used.
- Bamboo has antibacterial properties.
- You contribute to reducing the production and use of plastics.
- You stop being in contact with chemicals like BPA. This is especially important in the case of children since you save them many years of accumulating this toxin in their body.
- You will set a good example for your children, because if you care about your health and the environment, they will too.